· CAL ·

Cal Xamora is the name given to the house since it was known in 1850, it is located on the main street of the town of Biosca, in the north of the Segarra region.
It is a town house that enjoys the advantages of an easy access, but at the same time allows you to enjoy all the peace and tranquility of this region.
The house has been owned by the Forn family since 1850. Xamora's renown comes from "Xamós, grace" which means "beautiful, pretty", a fact related to the wonderful views of the Riubregós valley and the Horcas coast, which can be seen from different places in the house.
Biosca has approximately 142 inhabitants, it is a quiet town located at the foot of a hill with a lot of history and a beautiful old town that was closed by its walls that came down from the castle, a fortification of middle age.
It should be noted that the town enjoys excellent communication, thanks to the new roads that connect it with Solsona (25 minutes), Manresa (30 minutes), Andorra (1 hour) and Barcelona (1 hour and a quarter) among other cities.